Tuesday 29th June: Brechin 334 miles, 372 yards
The 108 birds were liberated at 11.50am into broken cloud, with variable wind for the first 40 miles, turning to NE after. They cleared well in one group.
The first two birds back arrived only seconds apart. The winner is seen below left, and with the runner-up below right, only minutes after arrival.
The top 10 result is below – click on the image to see the full result.
Click here to see the Final Race Pools & Prize Results
Click here to see the Final Race Schools Result
Click here to see the Final Ace Pigeon Rankings
Please note that the distance was entered on the Benzing system in error: it should read ‘ 334.21’ instead of ‘334.021 miles’, and therefore the speed for the Final Race and Ace Pigeon results are slightly out.
As Benzing clocks were left on even after the race closed at 220ypm, three birds (GB20R30469, GB20S48913 and GB20S11481) which were late returns in HS1, HS1 and HS3 respectively and are shown in the Benzing Ace Pigeon results were removed from the final Ace Pigeon results.